Child Support & Maintenance (alimony)
“Thank you, June. It has been a pleasure working with you. I couldn’t be more pleased with the way you represented me and helped guide me through an unfortunate situation.” G.C., Rochester
Economic instability is a fact of life for many people when they divorce. It is important that children be financially secure in each parent’s new home. Ms. Castellano believes in analyzing each case based on its individual circumstances to reach financial solutions that will bring stability for children. As a member of the New York State Commission on Child Support, she was part of their efforts to enact the formula-based approach in New York’s Child Support Standards Act. She contributed her ideas and advocated for passage of that statute which became law in 1989.
Spousal support can also be a component in divorce when one spouse will not have the means to be financially independent after a physical separation. While Ms Castellano first applies the statutory maintenance framework to her cases, she looks to ensure that the ultimate result is workable and protects her client’s interests.